

Equipment and installations

In the SeiHoW facility various wellbeing technology-related devices are displayed and tested. The devices are used for such purposes as supporting living at home, remote medicine / remote guidance, physiotherapy and rehabilitation. In addition, different robots and other technologies that have not yet been used extensively in health care are on display in the SeiHoW facility.

The SeiHoW facility is used to test and develop various new and old technologies. SeAMK’s partners have the opportunity to use the environment in development and testing together with a multiprofessional team of wellbeing technology experts.

SeAMK conducts business cooperation related to wellbeing technology, and we have the opportunity to participate in the installation and training of various wellbeing technology solutions.

Guidance and counselling

The utilisation / use of different wellbeing technologies is constantly increasing. At SeAMK, wellbeing technology is taught in all degree programmes of health care and social services. Through these projects, SeAMK has also trained its partners on wellbeing technology. Training on wellbeing technology packages can also be offered in a tailored manner as part of continuing education, for example.

Equipment lending

SeAMK offers wellbeing technology equipment to be borrowed for test use on a case-by-case basis.  For equipment lending contact Sami Perälä, Developing Manager, Wellbeing Technology.


PARO therapeutic robot
PARO therapeutic robot
Remote consultation equipment - stethoscopes, dermatoscope and universal camera
Remote consultation equipment – stethoscopes, dermatoscope and universal camera
Pepper humanoid robot
Pepper humanoid robot

Contact us for wellbeing technology services!

Henkilö hymyilee.

Perälä, Sami

Development Manager, Wellbeing Technology



