Seinäjoki Home of Wellbeing – SeiHoW Lab
Seinäjoki Home of Wellbeing (SeiHoW) serves as a learning environment for wellbeing technology.
SeiHoW is part of the environment of wellbeing technology at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. SeiHoW is a demonstration environment that enables companies, experts and students in the field of health care, social work and wellbeing to familiarise themselves with wellbeing technology and the utilisation of its applications.
For companies developing wellbeing technology, SeiHoW offers a realistic operating environment for testing any technology under development. SeiHoW implements Living Lab activities in which new innovations and technologies are tested in a realistic operating environment, and the company receives feedback from users to help them develop the technology.
SeiHoW was built under the “Tekoäly, mHealth ja robotiikka hyvinvointialojen uudistajana Etelä-Pohjanmaalla” (AI, mHealth and robotics as a reformer of the fields of wellbeing in South Ostrobothnia) project funded by the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia. Funding is provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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Development Manager, Wellbeing Technology