Remote Service Point
The core of the remote service point includes remote services and content production in the field of health care and social work. The facilities are built as a result of co-creation, serving all SeAMK’s degree programmes in health care and social work. The remote service point offers high-quality and easy-to-use devices for video-based services, enabling meaningful action and testing of new operating methods. A memory-slotted, remotely controlled PTZ camera (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) and wireless microphone are an excellent tool for physiotherapeutic guidance, for example.
The remote service point also has a desktop computer to which users can receive access rights. It will have general video call software for using remote services. The computer also has some free software for making video recordings, video editing and live streaming, among other things. Remote services and content production will be made livelier with a large greenscreen, lighting and other purchases that enable the development and testing of new and innovative operating methods.
For remote consultations and receptions, the remote service point has electronic stethoscopes, skin cameras, ear cameras and general cameras, as well as a range of different measuring devices. The remote service point serves as a demonstration environment for technology, in which equipment can be presented to interested parties, both individuals and larger groups and organisations.
The remote service point has been developed and updated in the “Yhteiskehittämisellä innovaatioita – SOTE Living Lab” (Innovation through co-creation) project.

Background of the remote service point
Telemedicine Center
In 2015, the Telemedicine Center was built in the scope of the Nordic Telemedicine Center (NTC) project of the Interreg Botnia-Atlantica programme. The first version of the Center was located in the Mediwest building in the premises of EPTEK ry (South Ostrobothnia Health Technology Development Centre), from where it was moved to the Campus in 2018 as part of SeAMK’s wellbeing technology package. The NTC project built a home-like environment in which the focus was on technology that supported living at home, but which also included remote consultation equipment. The Center served as a demonstration environment / showroom for technology, in which equipment could be presented to interested parties, both individuals and larger groups. The Center began presenting wellbeing technology to SeAMK personnel and students. After the completion of SeiHoW as part of the HyteAI project, the focus of the Telemedicine Center was shifted away from technology that supports living at home to support more remote services.
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Development Manager, Wellbeing Technology